Title of the talk

First Author¹, Second Author²

¹Centre for Advanced Research Computing, UCL.
²Department of Collaborators, UCL.

Conference, Location. 202Y-MM-DD.

A basic slide with bullets

  • First point.
  • Second point.
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

Slide with bullets that appear

  • I appear...
  • Then I appear...
  • Then I appear 🎉!
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

Centered on a slide

Example of something centred.

F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

Split bullet slide

  • Bullet to the left
  • Bullet to the right
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.


def i_prefer_python() -> None
    print("Obviously, I use type hints")

int butWillWriteCppIfNeeded()
  return 1337;

F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

Emoji are cool

  • ❤️🎉✅
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.


  • An example of inline maths
  • An example of display format maths:

F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.


  • One or two clear take-home points.
  • Don't overload your audience.
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.


F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

Add appendix slides if needed

  • Delete all of this if you don't need it.
  • (Obviously)
F. Author, 202Y-MM-DD.

aesthetic vspace so the title isn't too close to the UCL banner

if html tags appear then: https://github.com/marp-team/marpit/issues/178#issuecomment-511106762